Calling all kids! How would you like to win a prize – and be part of Blairgowrie Riding for the Disabled’s 50th birthday celebrations?
We’re inviting school children of all ages to take part in our competition to design a special logo for our anniversary, with three entries winning book tokens. And the winning entry will feature throughout our birthday year!
The competition is also open to all our riders, including adults. All you have to do is create a colourful logo to represent Blairgowrie RDA in this special year. Your design can be any shape you like – let your imagination run wild!
The closing date is Friday 29 April 2022, so get drawing!
Entries should be posted to Silverbirch, Perth Road, Blairgowrie PH10 6QB. You can also hand them in to the RDA yard at Easter Rattray Christmas Tree Farm on Wednesday or Thursday mornings during lessons from 10am-noon.
Remember to include your name, age, school/contact details on your entry. Good luck!